Hashtag Your Posts
Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag?...
Add Blog Writers
Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large...
For Some Kids, Happiness at the Holidays Might Be a Simple Pair of Shoes
Six weeks into a recent school year, Communities In Schools site coordinator Donna noticed that Ricky*, a sixth grader she was working...
All in for Kids on Georgia Gives Day
This year, two successful campaigns centered on raising awareness and funds for nonprofit organizations are joining forces – combining GA...
21st Century Community Learning Center Awards CIS of Atlanta More Than $1.3 Million
The Grant will Fund “Real World Academy” in Banneker and Creekside High Schools ATLANTA – Communities In Schools (CIS) of Atlanta, in...
CIS of Atlanta Contributes to Major Gains in Metro Atlanta Schools
Communities in Schools of Atlanta works with diligence, persistence, and passion every single day to build a better education system in...
Healing Hearts Widows Support Foundation of Nigeria Visits CIS of Atlanta
Last Friday, CIS of Atlanta’s CEO Frank Brown had the privilege of meeting with Ms. Gozie Udemezue, an alumni of the International...
Help us Win a $25,000 Grant and Assist Atlanta!
As one of the 200 finalists in the State Farm Neighborhood Assist program, Communities In Schools of Atlanta (CIS of Atlanta) has the...
Student Success Story: A Future in the Sky
Determined to leave his mistakes in the past, Emanuel is now a high school graduate with hopes of attending the Aviation Institute of...
Student Success Story: Kemari… ATL to ACC
Students across Metro Atlanta face barriers that go beyond what you can see on the outside. Kemari was living a dream after signing his...