Reward and Recognition: CIS of Atlanta Surprises CCPS Frontline, Essential Heroes
While Valentine’s Day has passed, Communities In Schools of Atlanta wanted to spread the love by rewarding and recognizing the cafeteria, nutrition, and custodian teams who have worked non-stop during the pandemic at CIS of Atlanta Clayton County Public School (CCPS) sites.
Our theme, “Recover, Reengage, Reimagine, Reward, and Recognize,” presented an excellent opportunity to thank our essential workers who have been the heroes in our partner school districts. We began by supporting North Clayton High School in December, and this continued to last week when 66 cafeteria/custodian staff members in our other seven CCPS sites were each given a gift as a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifice.
CIS of Atlanta Site Coordinators, Program Manager, and Principals surprised the group by providing $100 VISA gift cards to each worker alongside a statement that read, "On behalf of CIS of Atlanta Board Members, CEO Frank Brown, and the Programs Department, we salute and thank you for keeping schools clean and safe while ensuring students and families receive nutritious meals.”
We are grateful for the opportunities to show our gratitude to the staff at CCPS who have continued providing support to our students and families in the midst of uncertainty.
