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Macy’s Partners with CIS of Atlanta for “Big Give Back” Day

Real-life superheroes showed up in a big way for students at Boyd, Scott and Hollis Innovation Academy Elementary schools for the Macy's "Big Give Back" day.

Macy's partnered with Communities in Schools of Atlanta to read the book, "Even Superheroes Make Mistakes," by Shelly Becker, which gave Macy's mentors a chance to read the story, but also talk to kids about working hard to make the right decisions and use their superpowers for good. To top it off, each child was given a free copy of the book to take home with them and read to their families.

The best part of the day was the excitement that filled the schools. Kids were extremely excited to dress up in character and hear the story, and mentors were filled with excitement for the cause, putting their all into the time they spent with the kids.

Later on that day, the work continued as another group of Macy's volunteers mentored high school students at Cross Keys High School about career and college readiness.

At the end of the day, more than 100 Macy’s volunteers donated their time making a positive impact on the communities we serve. Thank you Macy’s for your partnership!

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