CIS of Atlanta's 2020 Numbers for COVID-19 Emergency Fund
As we navigate 2021, we want to look back at the progress we have made in 2020. When our schools switched to virtual learning in March...

CIS of Atlanta CEO Participates in Georgia Tech Engage Symposium
Last week, our CEO, Frank Brown, was one of the featured speakers for Georgia Tech’s Engage Symposium. This event was a moderated...

Rest In Peace, Hank Aaron
Today, the world lost a giant. Henry “Hank” Aaron was a staple in the city of Atlanta. Aside from being a baseball legend, he was also...

CIS of Atlanta Thanks The Dinner Group for Their Generosity!
Thank you to The Dinner Group for having Communities In Schools of Atlanta as a partner for the Men of Color Conference. CIS of Atlanta...

CIS of Atlanta Site Coordinator Encourages Students in the New School Year!
La’Vonna, our Site Coordinator at Brown Middle School, spent the last days of winter break by mailing some encouragement to her students....

Thank you, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta!
On behalf of the students and families we serve, Communities In Schools of Atlanta would like to thank Community Foundation for Greater...

CIS of Atlanta Wishes Justin Eboigbe Good Luck in the College Football National Championship!
CIS of Atlanta would like to congratulate Justin Eboigbe, a sophomore at the University of Alabama and member of the Crimson Tide...

Communities In Schools of Atlanta's CEO Named One of Atlanta’s Most Powerful Leaders
Congratulations to the CEO of Communities In Schools of Atlanta, Frank Brown, on being chosen as one of Atlanta’s most powerful leaders!...