CIS Program Manager Makes Food Delivery to Local Extended Stay
Last Saturday, CIS Atlanta partnered with Roark Capital Group to host a backpack giveaway for our caseload students in the Therrell cluster of schools.
In addition to these backpacks, we also distributed lunch boxes from Jimmy John's (owned by Roark) to the community.
Given the fact that food insecurity in the metro Atlanta area is high, our Program Manager, Calleb Obumba, wanted to deliver more than 70 of the Jimmy John's lunch boxes to a local extended stay hotel which is home to families with students in Atlanta Public Schools, Fulton County Schools, and Clayton County Schools.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our students, families, and communities, Calleb!
#cisatlanta #communitiesinschools #communitiesinschoolsofatlanta #allinforkids #atlantapublicschools #roark #jimmyjohns #backpackgiveaway
