CIS of Atlanta Team Spreads Holiday Cheer: Dee Crooks
The semester is over, and our team is taking a well-deserved break for the next two weeks. However, we will be sharing their acts of kindness to highlight the important work they do during the holidays and throughout the year.

Dee, our Site Coordinator at John Lewis Invictus Academy, assisted her team with a holiday gift giveaway where students received bags of toys, blankets, games, etc. They also honored select students with the P.R.I.D.E. (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence) Award for having exceptional school spirit and being role models for the peers.

Additionally, students received hygiene kits and brand-new sneakers, and those with perfect attendance received a gaming headset that can also be used for virtual learning. We appreciate the work you do, Ms. Dee!
