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Choose Success Honorees and Their Lifelong Contributions

Every year, Communities In Schools of Atlanta takes the opportunity to show gratitude to those who have paved the way for future generations. This year, CIS of Atlanta will honor Neil Shorthouse and Patty Pflum for their lifelong contributions to the CIS network.

Neil Shorthouse

Neil, the co-founder of Communities In Schools, started the organization in 1972 from humble beginnings. He has worked with the organization for over 50 years to improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged children and youth. Neil ensured local affiliates, that served more than 140,000 students, received leading-edge programs, technical assistance, fundraising support, training, and program and marketing evaluation. Now retired, (well if you know him, not really) Neil remains active in promoting CIS’s work through fundraising and assisting CIS affiliates.

Patty was the first paid employee and stayed with CIS throughout her career. She worked tirelessly as a teacher, project site supervisor and fundraiser. She also worked continuously to improve communications, board training and new development programs. Patty ended her career as the Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Atlanta, a position she held for 20 years.

Please join us in honoring Neil and Patty by purchasing a ticket to the 14th Annual Choose Success Awards Dinner.

Choose Success Photo

We will recognize the efforts of Neil and Patty as well as students who participated in our Choose Success Program. This program enables students in CIS of Atlanta partner schools to identify needs in their communities, apply for small grants, implement service projects and document their results with the support of CIS of Atlanta staff. The Choose Success experience allows students who face various social and economic challenges to serve others.

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