Fulton County Schools' Superintendent Jeff Rose take tour of CIS of Atlanta Program
Communities In Schools (CIS) of Atlanta welcomed Fulton County Schools’ Superintendent Jeff Rose to Langston Hughes High School Tuesday morning to give him a tour of the CISA program. Site coordinators, teachers, counselors, social workers, and student mentors gathered in Ms. Woodson’s room, and the morning included a welcome from Principal Brandy Reeves, a delicious breakfast spread, and inspirational words from student mentors, teachers, and coordinators about how the program impacts their students and what the program means to them. All six Langston Hughes High School student mentors in attendance, from freshmen to seniors, proudly stood and expressed why our program was important to them, and how it’s changed their lives, inside and outside of school. One student mentor explained, “When I first came to this school, I never liked to smile or wanted to be here. When I was introduced to Ms. Woodson, I became a better person, and progressively improved my grades and attendance. I always wanted to be a straight-A student, but didn’t know how. Ms. Woodson lets me know that if no one else has me, she does. She reels me in and helps me, and I know CIS of Atlanta is always there for me.” Principal Reeves shared facts to show how CIS of Atlanta has improved her school, such as how number of offenses have dramatically dropped. Last year, Langston Hughes High School had 1200 out-of-school offenses. This year, they are down to 500. Even the school’s attendance is higher this year than it was around the same time last year. “These students in here are like mini parents and have hit the ground running,” remarked Officer Burton of Langston Hughes High School. “CIS of Atlanta has been such an asset to Langston Hughes High School. This is the calmest, most productive year we have had since I began working here.” Superintendent Jeff Rose expressed his gratitude for all that was shared, and concluded that, “I appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and comprehensive nature. I see that this is so much more than learning; it’s about the relationships. And it’s not enough to have only educators and parents.”