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WIX Strip - Behind Every Cap Is  A Story

Behind Every Cap Is a Story

Communities In Schools of Atlanta mobilizes community resources to help students succeed and graduate. When students’ needs are met, they are free to learn, and teachers are free to teach.

We want to spotlight our students who took charge of their story during a historically challenging year of learning in a pandemic while navigating racial injustice, the threat of being unhoused, and food insecurity.

Our site coordinators removed non-academic barriers, advocating for, and encouraging students along the way as they form their path toward a brighter future.

We honor and celebrate the graduating Class of 2021!

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About Us

Communities In Schools of Atlanta’s mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. 


By bringing caring adults into the schools to address children’s unmet needs, we provide the link between educators and the community. The result: teachers are free to teach, and students – many in jeopardy of dropping out – have the opportunity to focus on learning.

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