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Reengaging Students

CIS Site Coordinators are focused on reconnecting, recovering, and reengaging students.

50 years ago, Communities In Schools of Atlanta sparked a national movement by pioneering a new way to support at-risk students so they can rise to their potential.

Invest in Our Mission

Your $50 recurring donation ensures

50 more years of Success at Every Address

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The new film The Push is out! Watch now and follow the inspirational relationship between Darrell Smith, a caring Communities In Schools of Atlanta site coordinator, and his student Ja-Mez, who is about to graduate from high school full of self-confidence and with the promise of a bright future — an event that seemed impossible just two years earlier.

Get an inside look at one of the many stories unfolding in CIS schools across Atlanta. The Push is a stirring call to action for a cause shaping the lives of countless young people. You can help at-risk students beat the odds.


Surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. 

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How CIS of Atlanta Supports
Students and Schools

We place dedicated staff members called Site Coordinators in local schools where they build strong relationships with students, parents, educators and community members.


Key Components to Our Success

CIS of Atlanta empowers youth in the greater Atlanta area to reach their fullest potential through a wide range of services. We care about our children, and provide them with a number of enrichment programs to help shape their identity.


Making a Difference
One Child at a Time

Our fundraising and volunteer opportunities provide our youth the chance to get involved in the community and meet new and exciting faces from all walks of life. Come experience it for yourself today!

Latest News

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Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors
Coca-Cola Logo.png
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MBUSA logo.png
Alston and Bird logo.png
JLL logo.png
BakerHostetler logo.jpg
Starbucks logo.jpg
Publix Charities logo.jpg
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DCCU logo.png
Swirl Films logo.png
EY Logo.png
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Morgens West Foundation

KPMG logo.jpg
Silverton Mortgage.jpg
CHOA logo.jpg
Jesse Collins Entertainment logo.png
Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency.
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